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#1 Best Seller in Medical Research – Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide

Stem cells are a popular topic on the internet and in the news, but they can often be misunderstood. With seemingly endless possibilities for how to use stem cells in regenerative medicine, people often ask questions like: Can stem cell research make us immortal? Can human organs be grown from stem cells? Why can’t the [Read More…]

Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Failure

The body’s immune system is unable to recognize umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells as foreign, and therefore they are not rejected. Human umbilical cord tissue stem cells have been administered tens of thousands of times at the Stem Cell Institute, and there has never been a single instance of rejection (graft vs. host disease).  As [Read More…]

How to Start Stem Cell Treatment With Stem Cell Institute

Starting stem cell treatment is a big decision. While it can be exciting, it can also leave you with questions about what to expect such as treatment options, travel, safety, and efficacy. To help you be more prepared, we have written this guide to starting stem cell therapy at Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, [Read More…]

Does Anti-Aging Stem Cell Therapy Exist?

With public endorsements from celebrities such as Tony Robbins and John Cleese, stem cell therapy to fight the normal aches and pains of aging has been in the news throughout the years. But what’s the latest on stem cell treatment to help with frailty of aging? Our medical team at Stem Cell Institute in Panama [Read More…]

Stem Cell Treatments for Sports Injuries

Sports injuries and orthopedic conditions are frustrating setbacks for any athlete. The traditional method of treating these injuries in the United States typically resorts to medicine for pain management, physical therapy, or even surgical treatment—all of which can affect your long-term performance in negative ways.  Stem cell treatments to treat sports injuries are an increasingly [Read More…]

Stem Cell Treatment — What Kind of Stem Cells Are There?

Stem cells are cells that haven’t been assigned a specific task in the body. At Stem Cell Institute, we focus our stem cell treatment and research on adult stem cells, and exclusively use mesenchymal stem cells, called Golden Cells™, to treat a variety of health conditions.  Our Golden Cells™ were identified by our lab based [Read More…]

Treating Cerebral Palsy with Stem Cell Therapy

Caring for a child with cerebral palsy (CP) can bring on immense challenges, so finding ways to treat CP can help provide them with a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.  Cerebral palsy is caused by injuries or abnormalities in areas of the brain before or soon after the time of birth. This type of [Read More…]

Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases – Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is more debilitating than most people think. It affects everything in your daily life and holds you back from getting to have normal experiences like everyone else, while physically it can look as if there is nothing wrong with you at all. RA is an ‘invisible’ autoimmune disease that primarily affects the [Read More…]

Treating Multiple Sclerosis with Stem Cell Therapy

Autoimmune diseases can be an extreme burden on the people who suffer from them as well  as on their loved ones. They can affect your entire life and most of them are difficult to treat. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one such autoimmune disease. MS causes damage to the myelin sheath, a protective layer that forms [Read More…]

Treating Autism with Stem Cell Therapy

Chances are, you have or know of someone who has been directly impacted by the challenges autism can bring in life. Autism is a spectrum of disorders characterized by marked abnormalities in communication and social interactions. Common characteristics of people with autism can include: Difficulty with speech or language Sensory sensitivities Behavioral issues, such as [Read More…]